Data protection

The privacy statement is about how Solide Fundamenter AScollects and uses information about visitors to our websites. The statement contains information you are entitled to when information is collected from our website (Personal Data Act § 19), and general information about how we process personal data (Personal Data Act § 18, 1st paragraph).

Solide Fundamenter AS, represented by the general manager, is the data controller for the company's processing of personal data. It is voluntary for visitors to the website to provide personal data in connection with services such as receiving newsletters and sending us an inquiry via our contact form. The basis for processing is the consent of the individual, unless otherwise specified.

Web analytics and cookies

As an important part of creating a user-friendly website, we look at the usage patterns of those who visit the site. To analyze the information, we use the analytics tool Google Analytics.

Google Analytics uses cookies (small text files that the website stores on the user's computer), which register the user's IP address and provide information about the individual user's online movements. Examples of what the statistics tell us are: how many people visit different pages, how long the visit lasts, which websites the users come from and which browsers are used. None of the cookies allow us to link information about your use of the website to you as an individual.

The information collected by Google Analytics is stored on Google's servers in the United States. Information received is subject to Google 's privacy policy.

An IP address is defined as personal data because it can be traced back to a specific piece of hardware and thus to an individual person. Solide Fundamenter AS uses Google Analytics' tracking code that anonymizes the IP address before the information is stored and processed by Google. Thus, the stored IP address cannot be used to identify the individual user.


Solide Fundamenter AS stores information about which search terms users use on our websites in Google Analytics. The purpose of the storage is to improve our information offer. Search usage patterns are stored in aggregated form. Only the search term is stored and cannot be linked to other information about users, such as IP addresses.

Share/tip service

The "Share with others" feature can be used to forward links to the website by email, or to share the content on social networking sites. Information about tips is not logged by us, but is only used at the time to submit the tip to the social network. However, we cannot guarantee that the social networking site does not log this information. All such services should therefore be used with caution. If you use the e-mail function, we only use the e-mail addresses provided to forward the message without any storage.


It is possible to subscribe to the newsletter from the Solide Fundamenter AS website. In order for us to send emails to the right person, we need to register your name and email address. We also register the company you work for. This information is not shared with other companies and is deleted when we are informed that you no longer wish to receive information from us. The data will also be deleted if we receive feedback that the email address is no longer active.

Site and service functionality

Cookies are used in the operation and presentation of data from websites. Such cookies may contain information about the language code of the language selected by the user. There may be cookies containing information to support the load balancing of the system to ensure the best possible experience for all users. For services that require login or search, cookies may be used to ensure that the service presents data to the right recipient.

How to manage cookies in your browser

At you can read about how to set your browser to accept/reject cookies and get tips on how to use the internet more safely.

2024 SF No Dig AS. All rights reserved.